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更新时间:2025-03-24 11:44:54
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1. The park is famous for its concentration on sectors such as information communication technology and biotechnology.

2. The move could have a big impact on city banks and rural credit cooperatives, which are comparatively small and have potential loan concentration risks.

3. We will exercise governance pursuant to law and address the institutional causes for over concentration of power and lack of checks on it.

4. McIlroy admitted the break in play had not affected his concentration but he was a little disappointed with his display on the greens.

5. One photo depicts him deep in concentration, writing a score while a cat perches above him on the piano lid.

6. Seclusion is a training method of Zen Buddhism which focuses on concentration and meditation.

7. The excessive concentration of the world's foreign reserves on a single currency also leaves a potential financial risk.

8. Table salt on the burns can draw out water from cells, resulting in blood concentration and high sodium in the blood.

9. The message Ferguson has been drumming into his players is that one lapse of concentration on Saturday could be fatal.

10. The toxic gas concentration in the shaft was well above limits and the fire got worse on Wednesday.

concentration on

1. Sprayed different concentration ethephon on maize varieties Ping'an 18 (the upright-leaf type) and Sidan 19 (horizontal-leaf type) before tasselling stage to discuss the influence of ethephon on plant height, leaf area, dry matter weight and yield.

2. concentration on的反义词

2. The effects of the concentration of adhesive on the microcapsule film, the display performance, and the flexibility of the display are also discussed.

3. It indicated that the three components possessed certain antiviral action, depending on their concentration.

4. concentration on在线翻译

4. Objective:To evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. Methods:By using ELISA, the plasma concentration of BNP in eighty patients with AMI was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults.

5. objective:to evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. methods:by using elisa, the plasma concentration of bnp in eighty patients with ami was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults. results:the plasma bnp concentration of ami patients was significantly higher than that in patients with unstable angina and bnp level of uap group was higher than that of control group(p.05 all).the bnp level was significantly higher in patients with cardiovascular accidental events than that without(p.05).after treatment the bnp level significantly decreased(p.05).conclusion:the plasma bnp concentration significantly increases, and is a good index for risk stratification in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
目的:探讨血浆脑钠素水平与急性冠脉综合征预后的关系。方法:用酶联免役吸附法检测120例acs患者[分为st抬高心肌梗死组、无st抬高心肌梗死组和不稳定心绞痛组]入院和出院时血浆bnp水平,并与30例正常健康人作对照,随访观察6个月。结果:血浆bnp水平:acs患者stemi组、nstemi组的明显高于uap组,uap组的高于对照组(p.05;发生心衰、死亡患者的血浆bnp水平高于未发生者(p.05;acs患者经过治疗后血浆bnp水平低于治疗前(p.05。结论:acs 患者血浆bnp水平明显升高,血浆bnp水平是acs患者预后的预测因子,亦可作为判断acs患者疗效及指导治疗的指标。

6. concentration on

6. The influences of salt concentration, cosurfactant on the phase behavior of the microemulsion system were discussed, and the factors influencing the surface tension were also discussed.


7. The effects of H(superscript +) concentration in water phase, concentrations of surfactant and cosurfactant on the microemulsion conductivity were studied.

8. The results showed the effect of change of concentration of surfactant, cosurfactant and lipophilic organic solvent and pH value on capacity factors of acid drugs in microemulsion liquid chromatography was fully consistent with the theoretical modeling.

9. As the copolymer concentration above CAC, P forms network structures with large hydrodynamic volume based on intermolecular association, which result in a rapid viscosity enhancement.


10. Additionly, the influence of the plastifier of different structures and its concentration on the tensile properties, adhesion work of Ap-HTPB system and surface tension of HTPB elastomer is very different.

11. All the fertiliser treatments increased volume growth of Scots pine (Malkonen et al. 1999) and liming increased the growth and survival of fi ne roots (Helmisaari et al. 1999), reduced the detrimental effects of heavy metals on experimental seedling survival (Salemaa and Uotila 2001), alleviated pollution stress of Scots pine assessed by needle fl uctuating asymmetry (Kozlov et al. 2002), and increased the phenolic concentration of the phloem, indicating an improvement in the defence level against pathogens of Scots pine Kyto et al.
所有肥料治疗增加了容量成长Scots的杉木(Malkonen 等1999)并且撒石灰增加了成长和生存fi ne 根(Helmisaari 等1999),减少了重金属的恶劣效果在实验性幼木生存(Salemaa 和Uotila 2001),Scots 杉木被缓和的污染重音由针fl uctuating 的非对称(Kozlov 等2002)估计,和增加了韧皮部的酚醛集中,表明改善在防御水平反对病原生物Scots 杉木(Kyto 等1998)。

12. concentration on什么意思

12. An experimental study on liquid phase catalytic oxidation of low concentration H2S was presented in this paper.

13. We assessed the effect of eritadenine, a hypocholesterolemic factor isolated from the edible mushroom Lentinus edodes, on plasma homocysteine concentration using methyl-group acceptor-induced hyperhomocysteinemic rats.

14. Developering concentration of wood or of the appearing too long exposure, even in normal circumstances, developering will also be excessive corrosion PS version tends to make the small dot graphics and text portion of the dissolved completely lost, as printed on the plate may deteriorate.

15. The effect of electrolyte concentration and hydrogen pressure on hydrogen electrode process catalyzed by noble metal have been studied.

16. This is a prelimiary study on the toxicity of chromium to the Nitzshia sp. and Cryptophto by means of batch culture. Experimental results indicate that their growth rates are inhibited when the concentration of Cr is larger than 16μg/dm3 and their EC50 values for 72 hours are 260μg/dm3 and 230 μg/dm3 respectively.

17. In order to examine the role of astacene on mice body development and the expression of energy metabolism related genes in mice, we treated mice and primary culture of mouse muscle cells with astacene of higher and lower concentration. Then the total mRNA was extracted from the muscle tissue and cells respectively, and the mRNA levels of UCP3 and LXRα were detected by RT-PCR in all the samples.

18. concentration on

18. CF1-ATPase was isolated and purified from spinach chloroplast by cellulose DE-52 chromatography and ammonium sulfate fractionation. Then its purity and in-gel activity were detected through PAGE. The effects of temperature, pH value and salt concentration on the activity of CF1-ATPase were also studied, and the topography of CF1-ATPase was observed by AFM.

19. The diffusion of mass or heat across two phases is extensively involved in chemical processes. Because of the effect of this kind of diffusion, there will be a inhomogeneous distribution of material concentration and then a gradient of interfacial tension will be occured on the interface of the two phases. When the gradient tends to a certain value, the natural convection would be induced derivatively, and orderly convective cells would appear in the system simultaneously. This is the so-called Marangoni phenomenon.


20. The results show that BODMAC has good ability to extract gold from chloride, the composition of extraction species is BODMA·AuCl〓 The influence of NaCl concentration on distribution coefficient of gold is different from that of uranium.

The effects of reaction temperature and chloride concentration on the deposition rate of metal are also discussed.(同时还讨论了反应温度和氯化物浓度对金属沉积速度的影响。)
Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game.(打乒乓球不仅需要强壮的臂力和腿部力量,还需要集中精力。)
You can develop a very focused concentration on progressive issues.(你可以对革新课题产生相当大的集中兴趣。)
The Greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations.(希腊人之专注于几何迷糊了后世好几代人的视界。)
Most people, at least once per day, will lose concentration on not biting their nails.(大多数人一天中至少一次会无意识地咬指甲。)
The service is developed using a technology familiar to the developer with a concentration on the business logic: in this case, how to create audit trails for payments.(服务使用开发人员熟悉的技术开发,开发时重点考虑业务逻辑:在本例中,即如何创建支付的审核跟踪。)
The effect of the initiator concentration on the speed and temperature profile of frontal polymerization was investigated.(研究了引发剂浓度对前端速度和温度分布的影响。)
Influences of temperature and ion concentration on ion migration time in capillary ion analysis are studied.(定量考察了毛细管离子分析中温度及离子浓度对迁移时间的影响。)
It focuses your concentration on the model and minimizes your attention to implementation details.(它使得您可以将注意力放在模型上,从而避免更多地关注实施方面的细节问题。)
His concentration on the problem was admirable.(他对那个问题的专注令人钦佩。)
concentration on是什么意思 concentration on在线翻译 concentration on什么意思 concentration on的意思 concentration on的翻译 concentration on的解释 concentration on的发音 concentration on的同义词